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Saturday, 18 August 2012

igital Signal Processing

1. What is a continuous and discrete time signal?
Continuous time signal: A signal x(t) is said to be continuous if it is defined for all time t. Continuous time signal arise naturally when a physical waveform such as acoustics wave or light wave is converted into a electrical signal. This is effected by means of transducer.(e.g.) microphone, photocell.
Discrete time signal: A discrete time signal is defined only at discrete instants of time. The independent variable has discrete values only, which are uniformly spaced. A discrete time signal is often derived from the continuous time signal by sampling it at a uniform rate.

2. Give the classification of signals?
Continuous-time and discrete time signals
Even and odd signals
Periodic signals and non-periodic signals Deterministic signal and Random signal Energy and Power signal

3. What are the types of systems?
Continuous time and discrete time systems
Linear and Non-linear systems Causal and Non-causal systems Static and Dynamic systems
Time varying and time in-varying systems
Distributive parameters and Lumped parameters systems
Stable and Un-stable systems.

4. What are even and odd signals?
Even signalcontinuous time signal x(t) is said to be even if it satisfies the condition x(t)=x(-t) for all values of t.
Odd signal: he signal x(t) is said to be odd if it satisfies the condition x(-t)=-x(t) for all t. In other words even signal is symmetric about the time origin or the vertical axis, but odd signals are anti-symmetric about the vertical axis.

5. What are deterministic and random signals?
Deterministic Signal:  deterministic signal is a signal about which there is no certainty with respect to its value at any time. Accordingly we find that deterministic signals may be modeled as completely specified functions of time.
Random signalrandom signal is a signal about which there is uncertainty before its actual occurrence. Such signal may be viewed as group of signals with each signal in the ensemble having different wave forms
.(e.g.) The noise developed in a television or radio amplifier is an example for random signal.

6. What are energy and power signal?
Energy signal:  signal is referred as an energy signal, if and only if the total energy of the signal satisfies the condition  0<E<∞. The total energy of the continuous time signal x(t) is given as
E=limTx2 (t)dt, integration limit from –T/2 to +T/2

Power signal:  signal is said to be powered signal if it satisfies the condition  0<P<∞. The average power of a continuous time signal is given by
P=limT1/Tx2(t)dt, integration limit is from-T/2 to +T/2.

7. What are the operations performed on a signal?
Operations performed on dependent variables:
Amplitude scaling: y (t) =cx (t), where c is the scaling factor, x(t) is the continuous time signal.
Addition: y (t)=x1(t)+x2(t) Multiplication y (t)=x1(t)x2(t) Differentiation: y (t)=d/dt x(t) Integration (t) =∫x(t)dt

Operations performed on independent variables
Time shifting Amplitude scaling Time reversal

8. What are elementary signals and name them?
The elementary signals serve as a building block for the construction of more complex signals. They are also important in their own right, in that they may be used to model many physical signals that occur in nature.
There are five elementary signals. They are as follows
Unit step function
Unit impulse function

Ramp function Exponential function Sinusoidal function

9. What are the properties of a system?
Stability: A system is said to be stable if the input x(t) satisfies the condition(t)│≤Mx<
and the out put satisfies the condition y(t)│≤My< for all t.
Memory: A system is said to be memory if the output signal depends on the present and
the past inputs.
Invertibility: A system is said to be invertible if the input of the system con be recovered from the system output.
Time invariance: A system is said to be time invariant if a time delay or advance of the input signal leads to an identical time shift in the output signal.
Linearity: A system is said to be linear if it satisfies the super position principle
i.e.) R(ax1(t)+bx2(t))=ax1(t)+bx2(t)

10. What is memory system and memory less system?
A system is said to be memory system if its output signal at any time depends on the past values of the input signal.  circuit with inductors capacitors are examples of memory system..
A system is said to be memory less system if the output at any time depends on the present values of the input signal. An electronic circuit with resistors is an example for memory less system.

11. What is an invertible system?
A system is said to be invertible system if the input of the system can be recovered from the system output. The set of operations needed to recover the input as the second system connected in cascade with the given system such that the output signal of the second system is equal to the input signal applied to the system.

12. What are time invariant systems?
A system is said to be time invariant system if a time delay or advance of the input signal leads to an idenditical shift in the output signal. This implies that a time invariant system responds idenditically no matter when the input signal is applied. It also satisfies the condition

13. Is a discrete time signal described by the input output relation y[n]= rnx[n] time invariant.

A signal is said to be time invariant if R{x[n-k]}= y[n-k] R{x[n-k]}=R(x[n]) / x[n]→x[n-k]
=rnx [n-k] ---------------- (1)
y[n-k]=y[n] / n→n-k
=rn-kx [n-k] -------------------(2) Equations (1)Equation(2)
Hence the signal is time variant.

14. Show that the discrete time system described by the input-output relationship y[n]
=nx[n] is linear?
For a sys to be linear R{a1x1[n]+b1x2[n]}=a1y1[n]+b1y2[n] L.H.S:R{ a1x1[n]+b1x2[n] }=R{x[n]} /x[n] a1x1[n]+b1x2[n]
= a1 nx1[n]+b1 nx2[n]  -------------------(1) R.H.Sa1y1[n]+b1y2[n]= a1 nx1[n]+b1 nx2[n]                       --------------------(2) Equation(1)=Equation(2)
Hence the system is linear

15. What is SISO system and MIMO system?
A control system with single input and single output is referred to as single input single output system. When the number of plant inputs or the number of plant outputs is more than one the system is referred to as multiple input output system. In both the case, the controller may be in the form of a digital computer or microprocessor in which we can speak of the digital control systems.

16. What is the output of the system with system function H1 and H2 when connected in cascade and parallel?
When the system with input x(t) is connected in cascade with the system H1 and H2 the output of the system is
When the system is connected in parallel the output of the system is given by

17. What do you mean by periodic and non-periodic signals?
A signal is said to be periodic if
Where N is the time period.
A signal is said to be non-periodic if x(n+N)x(n) .

18.Determine the convolution sum of two sequences x(n) = {3, 2, 1, 2} and
h(n) = {1, 2, 1, 2}

Ans: y(n) = {3,8,8,12,9,4,4}
19.Find the convolution of the signals
x(n) = 1         n=-2,0,1
= 2        n=-1
= 0        elsewhere.
Ans: y(n) = {1,1,0,1,-2,0,-1}

20.Detemine the solution of the difference equation
y(n) = 5/6 y(n-1) – 1/6 y(n-2) + x(n) for x(n) = 2n u(n)

Ans: y(n) = -(1/2)n u(n) + 2/3(1/3)n u(n)+8/5 2nu(n)

21.Determine the response y(n), n>=0 of the system described by the second order difference equation
y(n) 4y(n-1) + 4y(n-2) = x(n) x(n-1) when the input is x(n) = (-1)n u(n) and the
initial condition are y(-1) = y(-2)=1.

Ans:y(n) = (7/9-5/3n)2n u(n) +2/9(-1)n u(n)

22. Differentiate DTFT and DFT
DTFT output is continuous in time where as DFT output is Discrete in time.

23.Differentiate between  DIT and DIF algorithm
DIT – Time is decimated  and input is bi reversed format output in natural order
DIF Frequency is decimateand input is natural order output is bit reversed format.

24. How many stageare there for 8 point DFT

25   How many multiplication terms are required for doing DFT by expressional method and FFT method
expression –n2 FFT N /2 log N

26. Distinguish IIR and FIR filters

Impulse response is finite

They have perfect linear phase
Impulse Response is infinite

They do not have perfect linear phase
Non recursive
Greater flexibility to control the
shape of magnitude response
Less flexibility

27. Distinguish analog and digital filters

Constructed using active or
passive components and it is described by a differential equation
Consists of elements like adder,
subtractor and delay units and it is described by a difference equation
Frequency response can be
changed by changing the components
Frequency response can be
changed by changing the filter coefficients
It processes and generates
analog output
Processes and generates digital
Output varies due to external
Not influenced by external

28. Write the expression for order of Butterworth filter?

The expression is N=log (λ /€) 1/2/log (1/k) ½

29. Write the expression for the order of chebyshev filter?

N=cosh-1(λ /e)/cosh-1(1/k)

30. Write the various frequency transformations in analog domain?

LPF to LPF:s=s/Ωc
LPF to HPF:s=Ωc/s
LPF to BPF:s=s2xlxu/s(xu-xl)
LPF to BSF:s=s(xu-xl)?s2=xlxu.  X=Ω

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